Monday, March 4, 2013


I think most of my blog followers are already aware, but I'll go ahead and make it official to the blogosphere. Kraut and I are having a baby girl this summer!!!  We are going to name her Layla Ayer Kettler, but before we ever knew if she was a boy or a girl we called her Peanut.  I guess that somehow means Kraut + Crawfish = Peanut!  We couldn't be more excited about our addition to our little family, and JJ is going to be a big brother!  Doesn't he look excited?  

I can't wait until our little Peanut annoys the crap out of him just like JJ does to Kraut and I on a nightly basis.  Turn about is fair play buddy!  Don't get me wrong we LOVE our JJ man, but every night he waits until we are sitting on the couch and comfortable and then he starts banging his metal bowl on the tile in the kitchen or comes over and breathes his terrible fish breath in our faces.  But I digress....

I'm on week 18 right now, and enjoying my 2nd trimester a lot more than I did the first.  In general pregnancy has made me really really tired, so I usually fall asleep before I can even think to pick up my computer an write a note to all of you.  Also, pregnancy has made me dislike a lot of food items that I normally really love like coffee, a lot of meat (esp. BBQ), and spinach salads to name a few.  Our little Layla is already quite the little traveler.  She has been to Summit, MS, Baton Rouge, LA, Grand Haven, MI, Milwaukee, WI, Miami, FL, and most recently Pensacola, FL.  I still owe you a little blurb about our trip to the National Championship in Miami, but it was kind of a sore subject for a while.  I'll save that for another day, but here is a little Miami preview....

The weather in Miami was GORGEOUS in January while we were there!  I didn't want to leave...ever!    In contrast, we arrived in Pensacola, FL on Saturday, March 2 and it was a high of 42 degrees!!! It got up into the 50's today, but I still had to wear a jacket to the beach because it was really windy so it still felt chilly.  We are having a nice time in spite of it though, including an adventure of getting our rental car stuck in the sand on the side of the road!  Here are a couple pics of us from yesterday.....

  Doesn't Kraut look adorable????


Yep, thats me folks!  I'm going to be a great mom and embarrass my child thoroughly!!  Song of the day is for our little Peanut in my womb, whom we are already madly in love with!  Eric Clapton- Layla.  Happy Monday to you all!


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