Monday, June 24, 2013


Kraut, Peanut, and I made a trip up to Milwaukee recently to visit the inlaws for Memorial Day weekend.  It was a nice relaxing weekend but the weather was a little cooler than I expected for that time of year.  However, it was still an overall a nice time.  While we were there we walked down to Lake Michigan and enjoyed looking at the beach, we went to a Brewer's game, we went downtown to the Riverwalk to walk along the river, we also walked around an area called the third ward where they have a public market and some fun little shops along the way.

Brew crew lost, but I still had fun!  I ate cotton candy and we watched the sausage race during the 7th inning stretch!  That was definitely entertaining!

Here we are at the Milwaukee River where Kraut used to row crew back in high school!

I think this statue is begging to be imitated!!!

Yep, I know.  I'm weird for voluntarily doing this and then voluntarily posting it online for anyone to see!

Here is the public market.  It was really fun to walk around in here, and BTW it also just so happens to be in the opening credits of the movie Bridesmaids.  I didn't know that until after I took the picture, but I just gave you a great excuse to watch a hilarious movie!  

Took a few pics after a very nice meal with the fam at a French restaurant that overlooks the lake.  

Then on Monday we got home pretty early and since it was Memorial Day and actually warm here in Memphis, we did a little grilling.  I was in the mood for some peaches and found these 2 recipes on Epicurious:

I made several adjustments like marinating the chicken in some of the sauce for a few hours instead of just brushing it with the sauce.  I also chopped up about half a peach to put in and marinade.  I will say that the grilled peaches totally make this dish (that and Kraut's mad grilling skills)!  Here is how everything turned out.....

Check out those grill marks!!!

Here is the crisp with some vanilla ice cream on top!  Mmmm....

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that we had grilled corn.  When I was a kid and we had corn on the cob we used to all try to beat my dad at having the cleanest corn cob.  My dad is quite skilled at this, I know, such an impressive talent (well it seemed that way when we were kids)!  After Kraut and I were done, I compared how we did.  Mine is the one in back and I think I totally had him beat! 

On a final note, I've had some requests for updated preggo pics, so here are a few for you!  First is 30 weeks:

31 weeks at our friends' wedding:

33 weeks at my "Ready to Pop" baby shower:

My dad's sweet sisters!

With my sister and grandmother


....and their adorable girls

More cousins....

and my mom's first cousins aka my aunts...

Me and Jillian and little Braxton...


Me and not so little Layla

 My sweet family!

So sweet!  I have the cutest hubby ever!

One more thing before I say goodnight.....My MS State Bulldogs are playing in the College World Series in Omaha for the National Championship! So it only seems appropriate the song of day be Counting Crows- Omaha.  Kraut didn't know this song when I started singing it, guess he wasn't cool enough to have this cassette tape in middle school like yours truly....oh wait he had CDs by that time.  Not sure who wins the cool points, but I did win at eating corn....hmmm, maybe that just lost me the cool points.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is This Love

I know the question on everyone's mind right now is "What is growing at the Kettler's house (besides my belly of course)?"  Well, lots of stuff!  There have been home projects galore lately and spring has of course brought about the necessity for mowing, trimming, weeding, and planting.  Its a lot of work to get our big yard looking good, but I sure do enjoy the admiring and eating the fruits of our labor.  And even if for some odd reason you really haven't been wondering about our yard, I'm going to give you a peak anyway!


Love my knock out roses!

Lantana.  Wish I'd taken pictures of this one a couple days ago because it was 3 different colors and even more GORGEOUS!!!!



Snap Dragons

Regular roses

Had to pick these they were so pretty!

Now for the edible part....Sage


Basil (Can't wait to make pesto!)


Garlic Chives

Lemon Thyme


Three different kinds of tomatoes

Rosemary (smells so good!)

Banana Peppers

Jalapeño Peppers

Kale (still lingering from last fall!)

Lettuce (also planted last fall)

And we are going green!  Here are our compost bins!

In a few months we are going to have some homemade soil.  We are becoming so domestic, and our tomatoes will be so grateful!  I'm so glad that its finally spring and that the weather has warmed up so that I can sit out on the porch and ride around in my car with the sunroof open.  

Today, because this song is so lighthearted like spring and also because I recently watched a 2 hour documentary about Bob Marley on Netflix, the song of the day is "Is This Love."  Bob Marley was fascinating; if you have Netflix Instant check it out!

On a quick side note, this past Sunday was Mother's Day, and even though our little Peanut has not yet arrived, Kraut wanted to make it special for me.  My one real pregnancy craving so far has been avocados.  I often cut them in half and just eaten them with a spoon, but I also love guacamole!  Kraut thought that Peanut and I would love this stone mortar and pestle (called a molcajete) to make guacamole.  So sweet!  And the guac came out great, duh!  I have the best hubby ever.
