Wisconsin boy meets Southern girl, and they meld food, football, family, and culture!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012
I Can't Stand the Rain
This morning Kraut had to get up uber early to catch a flight to Dallas for work, and inadvertently woke me up in the process. So not only did I go to sleep late, I got up early. Then I went to work, and got a billion calls that had my head spinning. Then I came home and took J.J. for a much needed walk (for both of us) and then ran like 5 errands, cooked myself some dinner, and finished my homework for photography class. Now I think its bedtime and I need to say good night. Thanks for understanding!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
2012 Resolutions
Since ringing in the New Year, I have been doing a little reflecting on what Kraut and I accomplished and didn't accomplish in 2011. Kraut and I made a list in January of 2011 of house projects we wanted to complete before the year was up, and though it was a photo finish at the end we managed to get our list done just in time. I don't think I've shared with you yet that right before Thanksgiving we began to paint the hallway, master bedroom, and master bath. Then after Thanksgiving we ripped up carpet and had the floors refinished, we painted trim, and then we moved in new bedroom furniture. Its amazing how much better it looks when everything matches! There were several other projects mixed in as well, but that was the big one. Check out the before and after:
Anyway, so its the start of 2012 and we are all looking forward to a clean slate and a fresh start. I've made a mental list of some resolutions I have this year. It occurred to me that maybe I should share them with the online community to keep me honest! Here is my list:
1- Take more pictures- I love to have pictures of all the fun people we've hung out with, places we've been, and food we've eaten, but a lot of times I bring my camera places and never even take it out of the case.
2-Learn to use my camera better- I realize that maybe these two items seem as though they should be in reverse, but here is why it's #2 instead of #1. Kraut just got me my first digital SLR for Christmas. I'm very excited to be leaving the old point and shoot behind because now I can post better pictures for you to look at. I've even enrolled in a photography class at the Memphis College of Art, so I'll be sure to give you some updates on my progress with this new baby:
4- Send birthday cards- This has been a resolution on my list for the past 2 years. I've done OK, but I still need to do better. If you are reading this and are thinking, how come I didn't get a card on my birthday? Please don't hold it against me, I've only done OK, that's why this continues to be on my list of resolutions for the 3rd year in a row.
7-Get up 15 minutes earlier on work days. I feel like I'm always rushing around like a crazy person in the mornings. I'm a morning person in that I do my best work in the morning once I'm at the office, but its that whole getting out of bed thing that is a daily struggle.
8-Read more- This is on my list every year. I think I could read 50 books in a year and still feel like I needed to do better. I think reading makes us all more well rounded. I need to come up with a good list of books to tackle this year, any suggestions are definitely appreciated!
Happy 2012!!!!